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Suggested Reading (And Viewing)
Your ATA library is bursting with new resources to give you great new ideas for your professional growth. We’ve highlighted a few of these resources below, but we have so much more.
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Authentic Learning: Real-World Experiences that Build 21st Century Skills
Stanley, T. 2018. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press (370.1523 S789)
Authentic learning is a teaching method that encourages students to use what they learn to develop a useful product. Learning is tied directly to real-world needs. This book focuses on different strategies that teachers using this method can try: project based, problem based, inquiry and simulations.
Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning
Schmoker, M. 2nd edition. 2018. Alexandria, VA: ASCD (371.102 S348)
Examining the systemic reasons that educational change fails, author Mike Schmoker argues that focusing our limited resources on a few evidence-based practices in education would allow for dramatic changes in student learning.
Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace: Transgender and Gender Diverse Discrimination
Fogarty, A. and L. Zheng. 2018. Santa Monica, CA: Praeger
(331.5 F665)
The advocacy of parents for their transgender children has raised the visibility of the transgender community generally. This is a double-edged sword for a community that has traditionally “passed” as cisgender. Now employers are considering employee policies in a new light. This book offers leaders best-practice strategies for minimizing discrimination and establishing inclusive workplaces.
Gender Equality in Primary Schools: A Guide for Teachers
Griffin, H. 2018. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
(379.26 G851)
Recognizing the need to address gender stereotyping and gender-based violence in our culture, author Helen Griffin created this hands-on guide for teachers that includes lesson plans, case studies and a framework for developing gender equality in the classroom for all genders.
Identifying Gifted Students: A Practical Guide
Johnsen, S. K. (ed.) 3rd edition. 2018. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press
(305.9089083 J65)
This book offers research-based recommendations for developing methods of identifying gifted students and assessing the effectiveness of a school’s assessment procedures. Special consideration is given to identifying missed populations such as students from disadvantaged backgrounds, minorities and those with learning disabilities.
Inclusion: Diversity, the New Workplace, and the Will to Change
Brown, J. 2016. Hartford, CT: Publish Your Purpose Press
(658.3 B878)
We talk a lot about inclusion in our classrooms but what about our workplaces? Jennifer Brown challenges organizations to begin the difficult change of creating an inclusive culture that values and acknowledges employees’ diverse backgrounds.
Interactions in Ecology and Literature: Integrated Science and ELA Lessons for Gifted and Advanced Learners in Grades 2–3
Stambaugh, T. et al. 2018. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press
(371.953 S783)
Although aimed at an American audience, this book has ideas for Canadian teachers who are interested in challenging their advanced learners. It integrates fictional and informative texts. Student research questions include whether animals should be kept in zoos and whether humans should intervene in species overpopulation.
Learning Supercharged: Digital Age Strategies and Insights from the Edtech Frontier
Schrum, L. and S. Sumerfield. 2018. Portland, OR: ISTE
(371.33 S377)
In this engaging new book, the authors discuss new technological trends and include stories from teachers about how they implemented these trends in the classroom and what challenges they had to overcome. Topics include digital citizenship, personalized learning, coding, robotics, makerspaces, gamification and open educational resources.
Living West, Facing East: The (De)Construction of Muslim Youth Sexualities
Sanjakdar, F. 2011. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing
306.708 S225)
This unique book addresses the difficulty that teachers face in teaching sexuality education that is Islamically inclusive while addressing western curricular requirements.
Makers with a Cause: Creative Service Projects for Library Youth
Seymour, G. 2018. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited
(025.5 S251)
Makerspaces and school libraries are a perfect match. Adding service projects to the mix takes this synergy up to another level as it infuses another learning element into the already bustling learning that takes place in a makerspace. Seymour shares dozens of replicable project ideas that can be easily integrated into projects in your makerspace.
Muslim Students, Education and Neoliberalism: Schooling a ‘Suspect Community’
Mac An Ghaill, M. and C. Haywood (eds.). 2017. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
(292 G411)
In this book, writers address a wide range of topics about the recent educational experiences of Muslim students across many countries including Canada, China, Turkey and Germany. The authors consider the different ways that this is impacting Muslim students and their places in non-Muslim cultures.
Passionate Learners: How to Engage and Empower Your Students
Ripp, P. 2nd Edition. 2016. New York, NY: Routledge
(371.102 R593)
Student engagement can be one of the hardest nuts to crack in education. Dragging an unwilling student to the learning trough is bound to create even more resistance. So how can teachers turn a student’s resistance into engagement? Author Pernille Ripp discusses a myriad of small changes teachers can make to provide an exciting learning environment that is sure to engage students.
Securitized Citizens: Canadian Muslims’ Experiences of Race Relations and Identity Formation Post-9/11
Nagra, B. 2017. Toronto, ON: Toronto University Press
(305.6970971 N152)
Based on interviews with 50 young Muslims in Vancouver and Toronto, this book examines the tensions of belonging and exclusion experienced by Canadian Muslims. A great read for teachers who want to understand the perspectives of their Muslim students and the unique challenges they face.
When you sign into the ATA library’s website ( you gain access to our eBook collection. See the Articles and eBooks link in the bottom left corner of the page. Books are downloadable in two formats for three week loans. After three weeks, the book will automatically disappear from your reader.
Brainball: Teaching Inquiry and Social Studies as a Team Sport
Kolis, M. et al. 2018. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
Gamifying a social studies class into a team sport requires a huge shift in perspective. Luckily, the authors of this book are ready to guide teachers through this shift seamlessly by sharing exactly how they have shifted their own classrooms. A very interesting read!
Children’s Literature about Refugees: A Catalyst in the Classroom
Hope, J. 2017. London, UK : UCL Institute of Education Press
Using children’s books about refugees has two positive effects in the classroom: it validates the experiences of refugee students themselves, and it helps their peers understand their new classmates. This book offers teachers insights into the many great children’s books that can be used in the classroom on this topic as well as ideas for how to use these resources in teaching.
Counseling Transgender and Non-Binary Youth: The Essential Guide
Krieger, I. 2017. London, UK : Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Focused on adolescent youth, this book offers counsellors ideas for helping transgender students deal with the mental and physical challenges of puberty.
The Elephant in the Staffroom: How to Reduce Stress and Improve Teacher Wellbeing
Eyre, C. 2017. New York, NY: Routledge.
This easy-to-read book gives teachers 40 great but easy suggestions for improving their well-being. Just dip into the issue that speaks to you the most and you will find great ideas for coping, addressing and resolving the problem.
Happy Class: The Practical Guide to Classroom Management
Sage, J. 2017. Lanham, MD : Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
One of the top reasons that teachers leave the classroom is problems with classroom management. In this book, Sage gives new and experienced teachers practical advice about managing a classroom effectively. From the physical set up of a class to positively addressing problem behaviour, the many useful insights are aimed at developing a happy class for both teachers and students.
It’s Not My Fault : Victim Mentality and Becoming Response-able
Goens, G. A. 2017. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
Teachers have long observed the increasing trend of the victim mentality in students. Children are being couched from taking responsibility for themselves by helicopter parenting. Author George Goens discusses ways that teachers can help children break free of this mindset and embrace taking responsibility for their failures and successes.
Teaching English by the Book: Putting Literature at the Heart of the Primary Curriculum
Clements, J. 2018. Abingdon, UK: Routledge
Most teachers are likely to agree with author James Clements that great books and wonderful poems should be at the centre of the language arts curriculum. However, demands to teach reading, grammar, spelling, writing and punctuation often put such thoughts in the “nice to have” category rather than on the “must do” list. Clements provides teachers with ideas for integrating inspiring texts across all elements of the language arts curriculum to engage students in all aspects of learning the art of literature.
KIBO 21 Bit Kit
KinderLab Robotics. 2017. Boston, MA: KinderLab Robotics (KIB 1 and KIB 2)
This strange-looking but sturdy robot has been developed for younger children.
Students build the robot out of simple functioning pieces and can program actions using coloured blocks that are read in the front barcode reader.
ADHD and Me
Brenner, R. 2017. London, UK: BBC TWO (AV ADH)
This film documents the perspective of a late-diagnosed British comedian on ADHD as he explores the scientific understanding of this disorder, its origins, its benefits and possible treatments.
Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock
Dewey, M. et al. 2017. Oley, PA: Bull Frog Films. 89 min (AV AWA)
The protest at Standing Rock drew the world’s attention in 2016 as the Standing Rock Sioux tribe took on the Army Corps of Engineers in a bid to protect their only source of water from an oil pipeline that was to cross the river. The three sections of the film tell the story of the protest from the view of each of three filmmakers who were there.
Fire and Ice. Standing on Sacred Ground: Eight Cultures, One Fight, Part 3
McLeod, C. 2013. Oley, PA: Bull Frog Films. 57 min. (AE ISL)
In the first documentary on this DVD, scientists confirm that traditional agricultural practices benefit the soil and the yields of crops in Ethiopia. These practices are part of the traditional spiritual practices of Ethiopians, which conflict with the westernized agriculture practices of neighbouring Evangelical Christians. In the second documentary, Q’eros farmers in Peru struggle to adapt Indigenous agriculture to the effects of modern climate change.
Islands of Sanctuary. Standing on Sacred Ground: Eight Cultures, One Fight, Part 4
McLeod, C. 2013. Oley, PA: Bull Frog Films. 57 min. (AE ISL)
This DVD contains two documentaries that examine the struggles of Native Hawaiians and Aboriginal Australians to protect and rehabilitate their sacred spaces from colonial uses.
Pilgrims and Tourists. Standing on Sacred Ground: Eight Cultures, One Fight, Part 1
McLeod, C. 2013. Oley, PA: Bull Frog Films. 57 min. (AE PIL)
In the first film, the filmmakers document the determination of Indigenous peoples in Russia to protect a World Heritage Site. In the second documentary, the traditional life of the Winnemem Wintu is documented.
Profit and Loss. Standing on Sacred Ground: Eight Cultures, One Fight, Part 2
McLeod, C. 2013. Oley, PA: Bull Frog Films. 57 min. (AE ISL)
Two documentaries look at the struggles of Indigenous people in Alberta and Papua New Guinea to raise environmental concerns about industrial developments that are championed by cultures of consumption.
Harry Potter à l’école des sciences morales et politiques
Milner, Jean-Claude. 2014. Paris, FRA : Presses Universitaires de France
(791 M659)
Plus personne ou presque ne peut s’imaginer qu’il rencontre le « phénomène Harry Potter » pour la première fois. En elle-même, l’ampleur du succès de la création de J. K. Rowling soulève une question : si tant de jeunes gens s’enthousiasmaient pour les romans et les films, était-il vraisemblable qu’il y soit question seulement de sorciers et de magie? Le récit potterien a pris deux formes, soit les romans et les films. Les films, sur lesquels l’accent est mis dans cet ouvrage, facilitent l’analyse et permettent de tirer les leçons d’une œuvre qui parle à la fois de politique et de morale.
Reconnaissance et exclusion des peuples autochtones au Québec : du Traité d’alliance de 1603 à nos jours
Girard, Camil et Carl Brisson. 2018. Québec, QC : Presses de l’Université Laval
(971.2004 G517)
De l’alliance de 1603 à la Proclamation royale de 1763, les peuples autochtones sont reconnus comme des alliés, partenaires du commerce, ou pour leur participation aux guerres de l’Empire. Avec la création du Canada en 1867 s’amorce la mise en place d’une politique canadienne donnant lieu à une série de lois discriminatoires qui aboutissent, en 1876, à la Loi sur les indiens du Canada. Cette loi, comme une camisole de force, en vient à qualifier pour disqualifier les Autochtones sur le plan de la reconnaissance tant politique que juridique. Il faudra attendre plusieurs années pour que s’amorce la déconstruction de ce système de discrimination systémique.
Préparation physique du jeune sportif : le guide scientifique et pratique
Ratel, Sébastien. 2018. Paris, FRA : @mphora
(796 R233)
Les jeunes sportifs sont de plus en plus exposés à des charges de travail élevées au cours de leur parcours sportif. La programmation et les conditions de l’entrainement doivent donc être de plus en plus finement ajustées en fonction du profil de l’enfant. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est d’apporter à tous ceux qui interviennent auprès des enfants ou des adolescents des connaissances scientifiques, techniques et pratiques qui permettront une meilleure préparation physique des jeunes sportifs, afin qu’ils puissent devenir de potentiels champions!
30 activités pour devenir un as des cartes mentales
Lachaud, Stéphanie Eleaume. 2018. Paris, FRA : Eyrolles
(370.152 L136)
Qu’est-ce qu’une carte mentale? À quoi ça sert? Comment la lire? Quelles sont les étapes pour la concevoir? Les 30 activités que propose cet ouvrage ont comme objectif le développement de sept compétences permettant de concevoir soi-même des cartes mentales : lire une carte; restituer une carte mentale à l’oral ou par écrit; identifier une idée principale; identifier des mots-clés; compléter une carte mentale; mémoriser grâce aux images; et illustrer. Que l’objectif soit de réviser avec plaisir, d’apprendre plus facilement ou de mémoriser plus efficacement, ce cahier d’activités agrémenté de très jolies illustrations vous livre tous les secrets des cartes mentales.
Newton implique Kepler
Rittaud, Benoît. 2017. Paris, FRA : Ellipses
(510 R613)
Cet ouvrage s’intéresse à différents outils mathématiques fondamentaux en utilisant l’élégante perspective de la géométrie classique. Il s’adresse donc, entre autres, aux enseignants désireux de varier la présentation de leurs cours. En plus de proposer des exercices corrigés, chaque chapitre accorde une large place aux applications, telles que la musique ou la mécanique. En posant des questions volontairement simples sur notre perception visuelle de quelques objets courants en géométrie, l’auteur porte un regard neuf sur des concepts connus.